Meet John, an avid kite enthusiast and writer who is deeply passionate about all stuff about kites.

I spend most of my free time exploring different kite types, designs, and techniques and have become an expert in the field over the years.

My passion for kites extends beyond mere enjoyment of the activity – I am also dedicated to sharing my knowledge with others who are equally enthusiastic about kites.

Join John on his journey and discover the wonderful world of kites through his eyes.

We hope you enjoy our tips and tricks as much as we enjoy offering them. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, team.


Hi, I’m Ed V, the founder of

Whether you are a seasoned kite flyer or a newcomer to the world of kites, John’s blog is a must-visit resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this exciting and fascinating hobby.